Student Care offers independent information, advocacy, support and referral across a range of academic, administrative and welfare issues to all students enrolled at the University of Adelaide.
The Education and Welfare Officers (EWO) at Student Care are all qualified professional staff, familiar with supporting students to understand and navigate both University systems and processes along with those of external agencies.
Appointments are offered in person, by phone or Zoom, noting some enquires can be addressed by email. We will be guided by your preference. We are open 9am to 5pm each weekday (Adelaide time).
Please phone 8313 5430 or email to make your appointment and include the following:
- Your full name and Student ID.
- A contact phone number.
- Preferred day and time for an appointment.
- Brief outline of the issue you are seeking assistance with.
- Attach documents or relevant files.
All information provided to Student Care is confidential and shared only with agreement from the student.
We provide advice, support and advocacy on a range of University related matters which include:
- Unsatisfactory Academic Progress
- Student grievances and appeals
- Replacement Exams/Alternative Assessments (MACA)
- Academic Integrity Breaches e.g. plagiarism, collusion, contract cheating
- Re-mark and Assessment matters
- HDR Candidature support (progress reviews and milestones / supervision matters)
- Amendment to Enrolment (Retrospective Withdraw not Fail & Fee Refunds and Remissions)
- Enrolments/ Restrictions
- Graduations
Behaviour and Conduct
Support for students who need to access or respond to the University’s Safer Campus Community reporting process, or Misconduct Rules.
Additionally, we are available to provide information, referral and advocacy with external agencies e.g. Centrelink and SACAT.
We provide advocacy services to students regarding a variety of matters such as academic, administrative, and fair treatment. You can find information on each by navigating our web pages.
In our roles as grievance advisors and advocates, it is anticipated that you will provide an EWO with all details of your case. This may include providing documentation and correspondence and meeting with you to assess how we can best assist you.
An Education and Welfare Officer’s role is to provide information and support in University process however a student’s right to access these processes is not contingent on our involvement.