Our team will support you in relation to any issue which is directly or indirectly impacting your ability to study successfully and may include a wide range of difficulties or concerns.
We are committed to assisting you in whatever way possible to support your academic success. Our staff can explore relevant strategies for managing issues that are affecting your ability to focus on your studies. Where appropriate we may refer you to other University services or external organisations for specialist advice and support.
Other Services we offer include:
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is a service that was developed by Student Care in 2014 following student feedback. Students identified health, welfare and food provision as high priorities and Student Care responded by developing the Breakfast Club initiative. Breakfast Club is currently offered 4 days a week during academic term.
The aim of Breakfast Club is to support students with success in their studies by providing a nutritious breakfast so that they are not skipping this important meal or missing out on breakfast due to low income.
In addition to our Breakfast Club staff, an Education and Welfare Officer from Student Care attends each morning.
Material Assistance
Should you need material assistance in the form of food support, emergency financial assistance to cover unexpected but necessary expenses related to e.g. transport, medications or housing assistance you can speak with the Education and Welfare Officer regarding ‘once off’ or more longer term assistance to resources that may be able to alleviate an unexpected financial hardship.
Housing Support
Student Subsidised Accommodation
Our Education and Welfare Officers can recommend students for the University’s Subsidised Student Accommodation (SSA). To be considered for SSA students must demonstrate financial need, be the first time moving away-from-home or be from rural or interstate regions, and generally be an undergraduate.
The SSA program can provide students a short term temporary lease as an opportunity to ‘find their feet’ in Adelaide whist they transition into University life, before moving on to other options. A thorough assessment of personal and financial circumstances will be made as part of the application process. All applications are reviewed and recommended by a panel and availability of properties is limited.
